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Between Worlds - The Art of Drum Making 

A comprehensive course for people wishing to learn how to facilitate drum making workshops

Learn about ethical sources, how to slip fur and prepare hides using the ancient practise of flint tools. Learning to prepare hides yourself and guide others with this sacred ancient practice is unique to this course.

Learn histories and folklore within drum making, our relationship with deer and drum.  Holding ceremony and working with intuition in drum making ceremony holding.  Learn different drum styles, double and different single sided, and how to feel into making them intuitively. You will be guided in teaching groups and one to ones.  With options of guiding your students in slipping fur and using prepared hides.  

A detailed manual will be provided. 

The course will be over 10 days / 5 weekends.

With some evening zoom calls with incredible guest speaker drum makers from around the world to deepen your learning.


This course will be taught by Eva Greenslade and Aoife Brown ( Drum Makers for 16 years between us. Tutors with College of Sound Healing.


Dates and Fees

Dates : 

weekend one: 27th and 28th September 2025

Weekend two: 18th 19th October 2025

Weekend three: November 22nd 23rd 2025

Weekend four: 24th 25th January 2026

Weekend five: 28th February March 1st 2026


Guest speakers on zoom are tbc.


Full course fee is £1800. includes everything covering the weekends, course materials, manual, mentoring. 

Payment instalments are accepted.


To enquire or book:

Email Eva:




Some Images of this Deep Ancient Process 

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