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I am a Celebrant too!


This blog post is an introduction to my ceremony offerings. Because as you will know by now if you read my blog or follow me on social media, I am a doula, shamanic practitioner and also a nature based or pagan celebrant.

I love ceremony and ritual, the liminal space within ceremony as each rite unfolds. Its the best place to be in many ways. To witness the unfolding of someone's life event in ceremony is very special.

Ceremony and ritual, when it takes you to liminality, touches the place of soul, of spirit, the heart of nature.

Ceremony is my absolute passion.

I am a celebrant in the ways of nature based paths, or paganism. It's a very big umbrella, there are so many paths and belief systems in paganism. Which I why I love it too. It is what you feel in your heart.

Each ceremony I offer is bespoke to each family. We chat, I write a draft, we chat again, and we keep doing this until your ceremony is right for you.

I offer:

  • Handfasting wedding ceremonies.

  • Handfasting renewal.

  • Untie ceremony - for separation.

  • Naming ceremonies.

  • Funeral.

  • Loss.

  • Coming of age.

  • Mother blessing.

I would like to share, that the robes I am wearing are druid robes. I wear them only if people ask me to.

I will wear the dress code and fit the wishes of the couple. There is a common misconception that I might wear robes for every ceremony. I don't. As you see in the first photo of me officiating a naming ceremony I am in comfortable clothing to suit the families choices. It is more that I don't post many photos of clients ceremonies on social media. They are not my ceremonies to share.

However if I am asked to wear my pagan robes I will. They represent purity, focus, connection, light, and many other things.

To learn more about different rites, traditions, and rituals within ceremonies, you can see my other blog posts.

'Ceremony augments the thresholds of life'

Blessed be.

Hopefully see you within a ceremony, heart to heart.




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