Poem - Birthkeepers Liminal - 'being' on call
Birthkeeper's Liminal
by Eva Greenslade
She prepares for her birthing rite,
I too, go inward, open hearted, I wait.
Prepare my family, my bags,
If needed, my drum.
The holding of sacred, a baby births,
Woman becomes a mum.
Hours, days, or weeks may go by,
You can't rush birth, we can't try.
The stillness within me grows
Web of life weaves, a fine spark sews.
New threads in our tapestry of beautiful life,
I hold her hand, as she prepares her deep dive,
Within, she dives, to reach her baby,
Empowered, in trust, I know she's so able!
I know I can hold this heart open, in strength,
My role is gatekeeper. Our ally is breath.
The journey unfurls like a beautiful fern,
It can twist, turn, in the great divine plan.
However the path unfolds for each birth,
The birth keeper stands in trust, reverence, mirth.
As I prepare and await the call,
Time slows, betwixt and between, the sacred liminal.
Sunset Image - :liminal time